You can use the present continuous:
A. For something happening now, at this moment.
B. For a temporary activity or situation (which may not he happening now).
C. For arrangements you've made for the future.
D. With always to complain or express irritation about something or someone.
* Note: Some verbs are almost never used in the present continuous.

1. Here are examples of four different uses of the present continuous. Look at the list above and write A, B, C or D after each sentence.
1. He's writing three books about architecture. (__)
2. It's raining. (__)
3. You're always looking at yourself in the mirror! (__)
4. The phone's ringing. (__)
5. I'm having German lessons at the moment. (__)
6. We're leaving on Saturday. (__)
7. I'm saving up to buy a new computer. (__)
8. They're arriving at 8.30 (__)
9. What are you doing with that knife? (__)
10. She's doing a lot of overtime this week. (__)

2. Complete the dialogue using the present continuous where possible.
A: Who (speak) _________?
B: It's me. Matthew.
A: Where (you, phone) _________ from?
B: From Australia. I'm here on holiday, remember? I (stay) _________ in a hotel just by the beach. The sun (shine) _________. I (have) _________ a great time. But you (not seem) _________ very pleased.
A: Matthew, (you, know) _________ what time it is here in England? It's 3 o'clock in the morning! Why (you, phone) _________ me now?
B: Because I (want) _________ to speak to you.
A: Yes, I (understand) _________ that. But what (you, want) _________ to tell me?
B: Nothing special. I (just, wish) _________ you were here with me, that's all.
A: I am glad you (enjoy) _________ yourself. But I (not care) _________ really. I (try) to sleep because I (get up) _________ early tomorrow. So, if you (not mind) _________, I (go back) _________ to sleep. Goodnight!

3. Use the present continuous where possible to complete what the captain is saying.
Good morning. This is your captain speaking. At the moment we (fly) _________ at a height of 12,000 meters. If you look out the windows on your right you can see that we (cross) _________ the French coast just west of Cherbourg. Unfortunately a strong southerly wind (blow) _________ and this (slow) _________ us down. So right now I (not think) _________ we'll be in Barcelona until 14.30. The weather in Barcelona (be) _________ 28°. I hope you (enjoy) _________ your flight with us, and the cabin crew (look after) _________ you.

(Adapted from: Bolton, David and Goodey Noel (1996). English Grammar in Steps. Richmond Publishing.)

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Present simple vs. present progressive

Make sentences with the following words (you should conjugate verbs accordingly):

a. like / politicians / dishonest
b. religion / think / beautiful
c. graduate / hope / teacher
d. almost always / Church / Sundays
e. plan / anything / Halloween
f. children / school / study / now
g. husband / work / now
h. plan / go / Calima lake / family / Christmas